Muscles Building Tips

Muscle Building Tips:
  • Warm up before exercise and take enough rest after it. 
  • Do not excess then 45 to 60 minutes.
  • Consider a total body workout if you are ectomorphs and mesomorph. ( Ectomorphs body needs more time to recover after workouts. They should workout with heavier weights for making big muscles. Ectomorphs should consider split workout. For example, upper body on one day and lower body on another day. ) 
  • Too light weight never helps in making bigger muscles. Use heavy enough weights for minimum sets. 
  • For beginners, take full time to recover. Do not follow others as they took less time recovering. Once your body gets used to it, you will recover fast too. 
  • After recovering, your body must not be sore while working out. 
  • Push each exercise set to near Failure: Muscles grow when you put your body on the resistance level where your body replies to it and make big muscles tissues to fill up the wear. 
  • Consider Genetics: Genetics are important in muscle building. However, with regular workout and diet one can achieve goals. 
  • Work with high volume and intensity: Here volume means sets. Workout with higher sets and intensity give enough stimulation for muscle building in the right way. 
  • Utilize the big three weight training exercise: Squats, dead lifts and bench press are the big three weight training exercise. These exercises build strength, endurance and bulk. 
  • Train 3-5 times a week: For successful results workout 3 to 5 times a week depending upon the intensity and your workout. 
  • Be realistic :Do not expect weight lose and muscles at the same time Do not try to gain big muscles and ripped abs at a time. You can lose fat or gain it. So if you are skinny, try to just put on weights. 
  • Keep track on body fat: While working out, you lose fat and build muscles. So do not be discouraged if you don't see any direct changes in body right away. You might be losing fat while working out. 
  • Protein: Protein is very important with muscle building exercises. You need 1 gram protein per pound  to build muscles. 
  • Protein before and after workout: Get protein before workout. Also get sufficient protein after  workout too as body is in dire need of protein after workout and can absorb more protein that time. 
  • Carbohydrate: You need sufficient carbohydrate, if you were doing exercises with cardio and bodybuilding muscle building exercises. You need 2 to 3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of your weight. 
  • Get plenty of sleep: Muscle growth are highest when we take rest and sleep. It is very important to get adequate sleep to get recover and muscle growth. If body don't get enough rest then it may give reverse results and delay muscle building.

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